easy to follow weight gain diets

easy to follow weight gain diets

hey, hey, what's up guys? troy here with weightgainnetwork.com.i'm going to prepare for you guess one of my favorite muscle building breakfast. thishas 70 grams of protein, about 40 grams of slow digesting carbohydrates, it's reallyhigh in omega-3s and it's also an really easy solution to those dry left over chicken breasts. what i'm going to show you guys here is - i'vehad these chicken breasts from about 2 days ago and you know how they get dry and kindof gross after a while, so what i'll do is the next morning i usually prepare them ina high protein omelet sort of meal. what i'm going to do here is i got a skillet - low-medium,i've been cooking with coconut oil recently, its got a lot of health benefits. it alsohelps you burn fat. if you guys are looking

to trying to shred and lose a little bit ofbody fat i recommend you cooking with coconut oil versus olive oil or canola oil. i alsohave some asparagus and broccoli. i'm going to make this a really healthy breakfast, throwon some antioxidants. throw on a little bit of asparagus here, some broccoli and takea handful of this chicken here - this is going to add about 40 grams of protein from thechicken, equivalent to one large chicken breast. throw some seasoning. what you're going todo first is - you're going to let the chicken and vegetables cook; it's going to take about,i'd say, between five and ten minutes. so you want to letthose cook. i'm going to see you guys back here in a few.

alright, we are back in the kitchen here.as you can see we got the vegetables and the chicken seared nice and we're going to pourthe liquid egg whites on top. this stuff is pure protein. if you guys want to do wholeeggs that's fine, when you're cooking something like this it's just super convenient justto use liquid egg whites. so this entire container has 100 grams of protein so i'm going to pourabout, equivalent to, between like 30 and 40 grams of protein. just coat everythingwith egg white. while this is cooking - this will cook very fast, probably will be donein about three or four minutes. another component to the breakfast, especially if you guys areworking-out in the morning, is i'll microwave a cup of old-fashioned oats; just pure whole-grainoats, and i'll add some cinnamon. cinnamon

is a natural antioxidant - really healthyfor you. also, i'll put in two tablespoons of this flaxseed and chia seed. what thisdoes is that it's really high in omega-3s and it's just really high in natural antioxidants,high in fiber, and it's really just going to help you boost youroverall health. so between the 70 grams of protein in the skillet - you have the vegetables,you have the slow digesting carbohydrates, and you also have your omegas and the reallyhealthy flaxseeds and chia seeds as well as your cinnamon. so you have a complete breakfast.it's going to help you guys increase your overall health, build muscle, energize forthe day, get ready for your workout later in the day and i mean if you guys have thisbreakfast four to five times a week you will

be golden. you guys will be muscle buildingmachines; you're going to be high energy and you'll be ready to go for the day. so i'llsee you guys back here in a few minutes when everything is done cooking. alright guys, i'm done cooking up the highprotein breakfast. as you can see, it kind of turns into this high protein scrambler- we got our egg whites, we got our grilled chicken, we have our broccoli and asparagus- you got 70 grams of protein, you have antioxidants from the vegetables, you have healthy fatsfrom the coconut oil. i didn't make the oatmeal, it's actually lunch time for me right now,if you guys don't know how to use a microwave i'm sure you can youtube it. if you don'tknow how to use a microwave, i actually feel

really sorry for you. so you just zap it for2 minutes towards the end of your cooking up the egg white scrambler and you add inyour cinnamon and your flaxseeds and chia seeds and you have a complete breakfast. anotherthing i did is i added a little bit of this fresh chili paste, it's similar to siracha,just to add a little bit of flavor without all the added sugar. just because you guysare naturally skinny doesn't mean you want to spike your insulin so stay away from alot of added sugar during breakfast. this breakfast has zero sugar, it's all complexcarbohydrates, it's all really fast, good digesting sources of protein and some healthyfats. the only carbs are coming from the oatmeal and the vegetables and that's not going tospike your insulin too much. so a perfect

muscle building breakfast. if you guys are looking for more great tipson how to bulk up and gain muscle mass, check out weightgainmethod.com. see you there guys!

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